The range of local services opportunities is broad ... community health and safety, civic participation, e-commerce, arts and recreation, for starters.

Manhattan Neighborhood Network

Who We AreABC No Rio supports Streaming Video Thru a Community Web Site. ABC No Rio has recently been funded by Manhattan Neighborhood Network to provide training to individuals and representatives of community organizations in the development and creation of an "Interactivist Network Webcasting System".

What is "iT"? - Global Vision Interactive Inc.. "iT" is a 12.1 inch fully interactive touch-screen monitor located in the passenger area of NYC taxicabs. "iT" is powered by a computer invisible to the passenger and updated routinely via a wireless connection. "IT" provides the taxi rider with current news, sports, weather, local dining information, public service announcements, entertainment guides, emergency information and continuous changing advertising messages.

the Internet has become more than a mere organizing tool; it has changed protests in a more fundamental way, by allowing mobilization to emerge from free-wheeling amorphous groups, rather than top-down hierarchical ones. In the 60's, the anti-Vietnam War movement grew gradually. "It took four and a half years to multiply the size of the Vietnam protests twentyfold," said Todd Gitlin, a sociology professor at Columbia University and longtime liberal activist. The first nationwide antiwar march in 1965 attracted about 25,000 people. By 1969, the protests had grown to half a million. But increasing the numbers required weeks and months of planning, using snail mail, phone calls and fliers. "This time the same thing has happened in six months," Mr. Gitlin said. Even though momentum behind the demonstrations didn't grow until a month ago, after Secretary of State Colin L. Powell's presentation to the United Nations, more than 800,000 people turned out in 150 rallies in the United States last weekend, from 100 in Davenport, Iowa, to an estimated 350,000 in New York City. In Europe, more than 1.5 million protested. The protests had no single identified leader and no central headquarters. Social theorists have a name for these types of decentralized networks: heterarchies. In contrast to hierarchies, with top-down structures, heterarchies are made up of previously isolated groups that can connect to one another and coordinate.

Faculty news A research project led by Professor Patricia Flatley Brennan will involve residents of Dodge and Jefferson counties in a study to help chart the direction of how the World Wide Web can be used in the home and community to improve health. The Dodge/Jefferson Healthier Community Partnership studies how people gather, store and communicate health information in their homes and in the community. The project's goal is to develop a model information technology system that includes health information people need and efficient, easy ways to access that information

Headlines for December 8, 1997 A team led by UW-Madison Professor Patricia Flatley Brennan is researching how computer networks can provide the presence of a nurse to heart patients, and potentially those with AIDS, diabetes and a variety of chronic diseases. With a $1 million grant from the National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Nursing, the group is designing a customized Internet computer support system called HeartCare.

NEPA News The United Way is building a network of wireless high-speed Internet antennas in a pair of poor city neighborhoods where some people still can't afford a phone. The project, to be completed in April, will create two Internet "hot spots" in West Philadelphia that will allow anyone with the right equipment to tap in to a broadband connection as powerful as any offered by a commercial service.

San Diego "Shadowbowl"

A first-responder exercise. Shadowbowl 2003 Exercise Scenario
Situation: On Sunday, January 26, 2003 approximately one hour prior to the scheduled Super Bowl kick-off an earthquake measuring approximately 7.5 on the Richter scale struck the San Diego Area. Although there was some seismic activity along the Rose Canyon Fault, the epicenter was located near the juncture of the Mission Valley Fault and the Florida Canyon Fault, less than a mile west of the Qualcomm stadium complex.

What is Community Wireless?

Community Wireless :: Your community; Online and Wirefree Welcome to Community Wireless :: The Internet Re-born. CommunityWireless is an umbrella organization - representing the needs of the emerging community networks In short we represent a global dream... and it's out there. Happening. Right now. Using 'off the shelf' and license-free Wireless LAN technology (802.11) various groups and individuals are embracing bandwidth and content, and sharing it with their community. But it's not restricted to Internet access, just think of the possibilities:

Neighbourhood Groups and Local high-speed P2P Networking
Neighbourhood Watch/Surveillance using X10 devices
Community game servers
Connectivity to Rural/remote sites, previously limited by cables.
High speed Video Conferencing
High speed Mobile content
Localised 'Open Access' TV and Radio stations (streaming audio/video)

Democratic Solutions for a Wired World Unchat is a web-based platform for real-time, structured conversation, adapting the synchronous Internet environment to rules about civility, accountability, and deliberative democracy. Developed by a team of experts in business, technology, political philosophy, and law, including Dr. Benjamin Barber, author of Strong Democracy and Professor of Civil Society at the University of Maryland.

ArztPartner strives to create a network of the providers and receivers of medical care in Germany. This network will use the innovative technologies of cyberspace to increase the quality and speed of interaction between all participants of the healthcare system. Important components of this network will be virtual communities for patients, online discussion forums for physicians and possibilities of online interaction between the two groups. In the long run, this platform will be a basis for providing medical care on-line. The three-step-strategy:Establishing a sophisticated physician search system for patients: Building on the current search routine of ArztPartner ArztPartner will significantly upgrade its search options with more intuitive user-interfaces. Bringing the ArztPartner physician- and clinics network on-line and upgrading the general physician database: Currently ArztPartner is putting the key information concerning the physicians and clinics in its quality survey network in the internet. At the same time we are providing all physicians and clinics in Germany with the opportunity to present their profile in our online network. Building virtual communities for specific diagnoses, creating online discussion spaces for physicians and encouraging interactions between the two groups: ArztPartner will establish virtual communities for the most common diseases, thus helping consumers to get convenient access to specific information sources and exchange information with fellow patients.