Strong, ongoing R&D at major institutions is an essential enabler of CIS.

Impacts of Public Information Infrastructure Access

Impacts of Public Information Infrastructure Access Georgia Tech School of Public Policy and the Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute. RESEARCH PROJECT ON THE IMPACTS OF PUBLIC INFORMATION INFRASTRUCTURE ACCESS IN LAGRANGE, GEORGIA

Georgia Tech - Economic Development Institute

Georgia Tech - Economic Development Institute - The Center for Economic Development Services Technology-based Economic Development. Almost every community wants to attract high-technology companies because these firms usually offer higher living standards. In addition to attracting out-of-area firms, communities also are exploring whether growing local high-tech companies is feasible and how to infuse more innovation capability into existing firms to enhance their competitiveness. At the same time, developing science and technology sectors requires systematic and continuous attention to additional elements summarized in the figure below.)

About AFN: Client Survey

About AFN: Client Survey View the responses from over 950 people in 23 libraries and other Austin Free-Net sites - who uses free public access computers, why, and how are their lives affected?

U-M School of Information: Durrance garners IMLS grant

U-M School of Information: Durrance garners IMLS grant Professor Joan Durrance Professor Joan Durrance and her University of Washington colleague Karen (Pettigrew) Fisher have been awarded a two-year, $250,000 grant for their research project "Approaches for Understanding Community Information Use."

Univ. of MI School of Information: Major Research Projects

School of Information: Major Research Projects Community Technology Internet technology is often touted for its ability to produce new, virtual communities. But it is also an appropriate technology to enhance the working of existing communities.

N-TEN : N-TEN Reports Nonprofits, NTAPs and Information Technology: A survey of nonprofit organizations' attitudes toward technology, nonprofit technology assistance projects (NTAPs), and their most recent technology projects. (January 2003)

Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS)

Center for Spatially Integrated Social Science (CSISS) recognizes the growing significance of space, spatiality, location, and place in social science research. It seeks to develop unrestricted access to tools and perspectives that will advance the spatial analytic capabilities of researchers throughout the social sciences. CSISS is funded by the National Science Foundation under its program of support for infrastructure in the social and behavioral sciences.

High-Performance Wireless Research and Education Network

High-Performance Wireless Research and Education Network The High Performance Wireless Research and Education Network (HPWREN) team is creating, demonstrating, and evaluating a non-commercial, prototype, high-performance, wide-area, wireless network in San Diego county.

PKP Open Journal Systems

PKP Open Journal Systems Open Journal Systems (OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that has been developed by the Public Knowledge Project through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research. OJS assists with every stage of the refereed publishing process, from submissions through to online publication and indexing.

Telecommunications & Information Policy Institute

Telecommunications & Information Policy Institute The Telecommunications and Information Policy Institute (TIPI) was established in May 1996 by the University of Texas at Austin, in response to the unprecedented opportunities in Texas associated with telecommunications. Originally established as a statewide resource, TIPI has grown to play a key role in advising both the public and private sectors in setting priorities and allocating resources at the state, national and international levels.

The 21st Century Project

The 21st Century Project The 21st Century Project is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research and education program on science and technology policy, with a particular emphasis on the Internet, information policy, telecommunications, and the social and political trends tied to emerging new technologies. The 21st Century Project is affiliated with the Lyndon Baines Johnson School of Public Affairs, the graduate school of public policy at the University of Texas at Austin. The director of the Project is Gary Chapman, longtime activist and commentator on technology and society.

Community informatics plays a role in "place based community health research." The goal being to build "informing frameworks" for rural communities (or any neighborhood really, anywhere). Use ICT to "build differential competitive advantage." Build ICT-enabled "Community Decision Support" systems (designed for community processes, technical assistance, and re-invigoration.)


THE COMMUNITY NETWORKS DESIGN CENTRE (CNDC) THE COMMUNITY NETWORKS DESIGN CENTRE (CNDC) A Telecommunities Canada Project Project Proposal Draft 2.2 - 29 November 1995

U-M School of Information: Durrance garners IMLS grant (Sep 2002) Professor Joan Durrance and her University of Washington colleague Karen (Pettigrew) Fisher have been awarded a two-year, $250,000 grant for their research project "Approaches for Understanding Community Information Use." The grant is administered by the National Leadership Grants for Libraries program of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Durrance and Fisher will gather data to better understand the information-seeking behavior of consumers and to identify best practices in the provision of community information and community services. This is their third grant from the IMLS in recent years.

National Patterns of R&D Resources

National Patterns of R&D Resources: 2000 Data Update (current to March 2001)The Division of Science Resources Studies (SRS) of the National Science Foundation publishes the report, National Patterns of R&D Resources. This report describes and analyzes current patterns of research and development (R&D) in the United States, in relation to the historical record and the reported R&D levels of other industrialized countries. Prior to the report's publication, SRS makes available "early release tables" and "data update tables" (like those provided below) thereby giving researchers early access to the most recent data which they may need for their research.

Community Informatics Resource Center

Policy Programs/TSPA Centers The Community Informatics Resource Center (CIRC) makes policy-relevant information and resources available to community-based decision makers throughout rural America . Specifically, CIRC addresses the spatial and temporal dimensions of issues impacting rural America , by incorporating Internet-based geographic information systems, remote sensing technologies, and other data visualization and analytic tools. CIRC's principle goal is to rapidly transform data and static reports into interactive visualization and analytic tools for local decision support.