New curriculum supporting undergraduate and advanced work in CIS needs to be developed.

Community Information Systems Projects

Community Information Systems Projects

News Community Network Evaluation: In June of 2002, TIPI embarked on an 18-month evaluation of the first phase of the Texas Telecommunications Infrastructure Board's Collaborative Community Network Grant program. The 36 communities funded under this first, or "CN1" phase, received grants of up to $500,000 to identify and implement ways to utilize information technologies to link community groups and institutions and support their efforts to enhance education, health care, public services and economic and social development. The assessment began in June 2002 and should conclude in mid-2003. TIPI's Jody Waters, a recent graduate of the Ph.D. program in the Department of Radio-TV-Film, directs the project. Dr. Sharon Strover, TIPI Director, and Dr. Gary Chapman, TIPI Associate Director, are the principal investigators. TIPI graduate research associates Carolyn Cunningham, Holly Custard, and Chris Lucas also are assisting.

Community Informatics

Community Informatics Community informatics is a sustainable approach to community enrichment that integrates participatory design of information technology resources, popular education, and asset-based development to enhance citizen empowerment and quality of life. The RPI COPC matches teams of public service interns with community partners like the YWCA of Troy-Cohoes to create focused, long-term informatics projects resulting in active research, stronger relationships between university and local organizations, and more vibrant communities.

Advanced Telemedicine Training

Advanced Telemedicine Training Advanced Telemedicine Training The Technology for Homeland Security Training Track is designed to provide an overview of the use of technology to increase homeland vigilance and to improve health care quality by the use of innovative, appropriate applications of health telematic practices and technologies.

Digital Development

Digital Development Digital Development: A Framework for Applying Information Technology to Community Socioeconomic Development. A “White Paper” Prepared by Greg Laudeman, Community Technology Specialist
Georgia Tech Economic Development Institute.

About CENICThe Corporation for Education Network Initiatives in California (CENIC) will represent the common interests of California's higher education academic and research communities in achieving robust, high capacity, next generation Internet communications services. CENIC's membership is drawn from California higher education institutions and information technology industries. It is highly accountable to the institutions it serves in order to fulfill the trust that will be placed with it.