Financing CIS will come through many sources both public and private.
Health e-Technologies Initiative
Health e-Technologies Initiative The Health e-Technologies Initiative is a new $10.3-million National Program Office (NPO) of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation that supports research which evaluates the effectiveness of interactive eHealth applications (i.e., Internet, interactive TV and voice response systems, kiosks, personal digital assistants, CD-ROMs, DVDs) for health behavior change and chronic disease management.
Google buys Blogger UPDATE 1-Google buys popular Web publishing tool Blogger Internet search company Google Inc. acquires Pyra Labs, the handful of Web developers who helped jump-start the personal publishing phenomenon known as blogging..
What TIF has done
What TIF has done Since the Legislature established the Telecommunications Infrastructure Fund in 1995, TIF has awarded more than 7,000 grants for Internet access, computers, technology training, and electronic resources to benefit all Texans.
National Rural Funders Collaborative
National Rural Funders Collaborative The Neighborhood Funders Group is a national network of foundations and philanthropic organizations. Our members support community-based efforts that improve economic and social conditions in low-income communities.
'Program Overview - Rural Health Care Program (USAC)'
'Program Overview - Rural Health Care Program (USAC)' Rural Health Care is a universal service support mechanism authorized by Congress and designed by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide reduced rates to rural Health Care Providers (HCPs) for telecommunications services related to the use of telemedicine & telehealth. For more information about the Rural Health Care Division (RHCD), please refer to the section titled About RHCD.
Timothy Smith Fund
Timothy Smith Fund - Home The Timothy Smith Fund for "Old Roxbury" was established on March 8, 1996 by Mayor Thomas M. Menino and the City of Boston through the acceptance of a bequest distribution from the Timothy Smith Fund which is held at Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Company. Ruth and Timothy Smith directed in their last will and testament that the proceeds of their bequest be utilized to benefit the highest number of residents of the "old" City of Roxbury as possible.
From Obstacles to Opportunities
From Obstacles to Opportunities From Obstacles to Opportunities, v.1.0 A study by Summit Collaborative released in March, 2003 on challenges and opportunities facing the philanthropic community related to funding technology.
Media, Charity, and Philanthropy in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001
Working Group on The Public's Need to Know Media, Charity, and Philanthropy in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001 " by Paula DiPerna. The Century Foundation, 3/1/03.
New study released March 1, 2003 of the interaction between catastrophe, charity, the media, and public opinion. Disasters, whether from natural causes or otherwise, present a web of challenges when a sudden surge in money becomes available to do good but the target of that money is varied and complex
Community Technology Foundation of California
Community Technology Foundation of California As part of the 1997 merger between Pacific Telesis and SBC Communications, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) approved a unique approach to expanding support for California's communities. The nine community coalition groups-representing 134 different Latino, Asian American, African American, civil rights, and disability organizations and individuals--worked with Pacific Telesis, as CTFC's inaugural funder, to determine the most effective ways to bring the benefits of telecommunications to traditionally underserved communities.
The result is the historic Community Partnership Agreement, which combines the strengths and inspiration of community leadership, corporate resources, and telecommunications technology. On November 18, 1998, Ed Whitacre, Chairman and CEO of SBC Communications, presented the initial $10 million funding to launch the new $50 million Pacific Bell Community Technology Fund and the larger foundation which will govern it, the nonprofit Community Technology Foundation of California. Additional funding will be distributed during the next decade.
Living Cities Technology and Community Development Summit
Living Cities Technology and Community Development Summit Report
Fifty influential participants in the community development sector, brought together for two intensive days of meetings by the Technology Committee of Living Cities. Three volunteer working groups agreed to work on aspects of the Summit agenda. One group intends to scale up from GIS currently in use in Los Angeles and elsewhere to create an IT infrastructure to display key indicators, such as new housing, population change, income, crime, and environmental conditions. A second group will develop a model of how an efficient CDC can achieve peak performance with cost-effective operating systems such as to automate business processes using Application Service Providers (ASPs). A third working group will build on Living Cities' draft technology capacity standards for grantee CDCs to identify functionality (e.g., full Internet connectivity, networking) to be regarded as minimum capacity throughout the community development sector.
The Venture CollectiveThe Venture Collective is smart mobs of global citizens putting their money where their mouths, hearts, and minds are. It's a people's venture fund, not for-profit but for common benefit. We support enterprises that promote, and thrive on, economic (r)evolution based on eco-social principles; fuel them (as loans or investments, not grants) by aggregating citizen contributions; and re-invest all returns.
Salt Spring Dollars
The concept of Salt Spring Island Dollars was the result of roundtable discussions of the Sustainable Salt Spring Island Coalition. In the fall of 2000, the group was looking at different island nations around the world (Isle of Man, Jersey, Cayman Islands, etc.) examining how their governments and economies functioned. One of the common factors of these islands was that they each had their own local currency. Two questions arose – would it be possible to establish a local currency for Salt Spring, and if so, how could it benefit the community? Press Stories Salt Spring dollars will be directly convertible on par with Canadian dollars.
Community Hero Card
About CHC Sell SheetThe Community HeroCard program was founded by CHC Data, Inc. and has been dedicated to strengthening communities by helping businesses and non-profits prosper since 1993. CHC Data Inc.Holds licensing for two patents awarded on the software's ability to process dual currency debit card and interfacing with the Federal Reserve interchange. Database capability that allows for loyalty marketing alliances between participants and a proprietary coalition marketing system. Awards and Recognition: US Department of Commerce Technology awarded Community HeroCard a TOP Grant with Hennepin County, 2000-2002 . Community HeroCard was semi-finalist in Innovations in American Government, JFK School of Government, Harvard University in1999.