CIS infrastracture can include both enabling technologies (ie wifi, broadband), as well as enabling datasets (ie Census, local indictors, etc.). It may also include social infrastructure (ie consortia, fiber condominiums, etc.)
Nua Internet How Many Online
Nua Internet How Many Online The art of estimating how many are online throughout the world is an inexact one at best. Surveys abound, using all sorts of measurement parameters. However, from observing many of the published surveys over the last two years, here is an "educated guess" as to how many are online worldwide as of September 2002. And the number is 605.60 million.
IEEE-USA Position Statement on Accelerating Broadband Deployment
Approved by the IEEE-USA Board of Directors (Feb. 2003) IEEE-USA Position Statement on Accelerating Adavnced Broadband Deployment in the U.S. Accelerating Advanced Broadband Deployment in the U.S. Explicitly include Ethernet networks over fiber infrastructures capable of supporting gigabit speeds in the U.S. policy debate on accelerating broadband deployment and thereby fill the gap among technologies that are already included in the national debate, e.g., DSL, Cable-modem, and aspects of wireless.
The Boston Foundation - Indicators Project The Indicators Report provides high quality data and information about Boston by engaging hundreds of participants and experts in presenting data in 10 categories, drawn from the wealth of research and information generated by public agencies, civic institutions, researchers, think tanks and community-based organizations.
Houston: We have a problem with Office | CNET
Houston has begun to phase out Microsoft Office for its 13,000 city workers in favor of Web-based software from a local start-up. The Texas city signed a five-year, $9.5 million contract last year with Houston-based SimDesk Technologies to provide city workers and, eventually, up to 3 million city residents with the company's software and services. SimDesk offers a package of more than two dozen applications covering basic PC tasks such as word processing, spreadsheets, calendars and e-mail. The applications include a subscription to SimDesk's Web-based services, which allow customers to store documents, messages and other data on a central server run by SimDesk. This data can be retrieved and manipulated from any device with a Web connection, including cell phones and handheld computers.
Wi-Fi as Savior? France's Farm Dwellers Hope So
NEAR Sillé-le-Guillaume, a rural patch of western France, Ginette Sybille moves some 8,000 fowls, 150 swine and 120 head of cattle on and off her 395-acre farm each year. She conducts most of her business with slaughterhouses in the region, but each time an animal changes hands, Mrs. Sybille has to register the transaction online with the government.
What is condominium fiber?
This good powerpoint presentation by Bill St. Arnaud, of CANARIE. What is condominium fiber?
What is condominium fiber? A number of organizations such as schools, hospitals and universities get together to fund and build a fiber network. Fiber is installed, owned and maintained by 3rd party professional fiber contractors – usually the same contractors used by the carriers for their fiber builds. Each institution gets its own set of fibers, at cost, on a 20 year IRU (Irrevocable Right of Use)
Neighborhood Wireless Projects around the Country
Useful Links A list to support research for the St. Louis 5th Ward Wireless Neighborhood Network Maintained by Sue Beckwith of the St. Louis Brownbag Technology Collaborative
National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership
National Neighborhood Indicators PartnershipDEMOCRATIZING
The National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership (NNIP) is a collaborative effort by the Urban Institute and local partners to further the development and use of neighborhood-level information systems in local policymaking and community building.